In General, avoid leaving acidic or can stain preparations, such as marinades, dressings, tea or coffee in the dishes – rinse them with hot water after use.
Attention also to thermal and physical shocks.
Our plates can be microwavable, with the exception of those containing precious metals.
Decor without finishing or with colour mesh:
Like all white porcelain, the majority of enamals jaune de chrome are cooked at very high temperatures, making them particularly resistant. They can be used regularly and washed daily in the dishwasher. Microwave passage possible.
Decorations with gold, platinum or bronze finishes:
The finishes with precious metal nets are more fragile. They can be dishwasher-free, but we recommend, to preserve them as long as possible, the use of a low temperature program by halving the maintenance products (non-abrasive detergent).
Do not go into the microwave.
Decorations of precious metals:
For incrustation and precious metals patterns: these patterns shouldn’t be washed in dishwasher and or not microwave safe. Don’t hesitate to use white vinegar on a cotton-wool and scrub gently and then, wash as usual by hand and rinse carefully in order to eliminate all water stains and avoid lime deposits.